Become a Shedder
We offer a workshop environment for men and women of all ages and ability to share or learn new skills. Shed members work on their own projects, volunteer their time to undertake public commissions and engage in community based projects. Some members also mentor/tutor fellow members and community groups
Members span the novice, the diy-er, the keen hobbyist and the retired professional – all abilities and skillsets are welcome.
The kettle is always on so get in touch and arrange to come and see us and meet some of our members.
Men's sessions are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (10 am - 4 pm). Women's sessions are all day Monday and Wednesday evening (6 pm - 9pm). There is a mixed sessions on Tuesday evening (6 pm - 9 pm). Members can come as many or as few times as they wish.
If you are interested in becoming a member click